
Issue #6

Abby Brown: Backbiting

Samuel Anthony Cooke: The Street-Dweller

Jenny Donnison: Five poems

Mark Doyle: Night Walk; Daytime, Upper Booth

Caroline Foster: Innocent Curiosities

Chris Goding: The Surfaces of Io, Lord Muck

Ian Hartnell: Four Images, Sunday of the Passions

Johanna Hateley: After a Reading by Simon Armitage, First Night Without

Maria Kardel: Black Boxes, Yorkshire Winter

Maisie-May Lambert: Talking to Friends, Forced Identity

Samuel Valdes Lopez: Dead Reckoning

Amy Poulton: A Handbag

Tanika Stewart: River Spirit

Laura Webb: Masonry


Maria Kardel            

Nicola Rodgers            

Claire Porthouse            

Anthony Adler            

Alicia Clow            

Mark Doyle            

Amy Poulton 

Adam Piette (staff editor)