Short fiction

Issue #6

Danielle Appleton: Laura

David Barker: Meddle

Craig Bates: Nocturne

Samuel Anthony Cooke: Guilt: In Analysis

Mark Doyle: Fragments/Anabasis

Bryn Farnsworth: Numbers

Rosanna Lee: Doodles

Samuel Valdes Lopez: I'm totally not down with Rob's alien

Ethel Maqeda: Grandmother came home drunk

Samuel Oates: A Passing Note + There is snow falling outside

Jonathan Payne: Adam

Tom Reid: The End of the Game

Simon Reilly: The World is all that the case is

Alexandra Rucki: Baba Russkij

Adam Smith: Charlotte


Kat McMullen

Rachael Steven

Kenton Kotsiris

Sarah Coell-Pemberton

Samantha Matthews (Staff Editor)