Issue #14
Zebra Mussel
native invader
brackish water
Black Sea British shores
inhalant siphon dissolved nutrients
autotrophic algae
feeds on
propagation of selves
smother native species
Danube Delta
branches out
fingers extended
fight the current foot firmly fixed on far-away lands
byssus threads grip
hard homely substrate ignomic settler
through the Bosphorus strait
on boats’ undersides
among warning signs
clandestine passengers
clog waterways
hearts beat their way
through pipes
intricate map of pulses
a myriad of organisms aimlessly seep through
shell hinge open
umbo inflates mantle rises
exhalent siphon
exhale catch our breadth
upon landing
through contorted concoctions of anthropo-systems
veligers settle
on surfaces
culled home
Veronica Fibisan