
Issue #9


Dear Aunty,

We’ll start with compliments – your channel is Orwell in reverse, not the all seeing eye
on us but us captured by the fleeting delights of the eye, to twinkle with your stars,
celebrities, who are a mark for us, give us our social looks, our view of life as gesture and
live chat. Glitz has never been this intimate, pervading every crease of skin, every pump
of doting heart. Screens are so cheap we’ve one in every room. We even dance in front
of one above the sink. Now, I know you think we’re off our trolley when we want a teeny
bit of change, but we’re not as dotty as the gobby group who call you mogul, speak of your
bag of tricks, say that you are a purveyor of forced gossip, say you shrink and tidy their
experience into family slots to be chewed with supper on the lap, say you want us all to
shrivel and drivel like natter-bugs, to defer to you as sole orchestrator of our talk. Like you,
we’re shocked by the sick minds of these extremists whose traps are never shut. But we think
there is a place for a point of view. And we have a request  for a debate. Is it to be more Jo&John
or more Jake&Joanne? Jo&John are fit and nice, we think, and very engaging presenters, but
have a retro-style and stare too deeply at the camera. Jake&Joanne have more room to room family
appeal. Please, please, please can we debate why Jo&John rate lower than Jake&Joanne?
(Have we got this right?) Please, please,
we’d be really, really grateful.



John Quicke