Non fiction

Issue #9

One Step Forward

It is now time to leave everyone you love. You leave behind your sad family that you live for, but in your head you are determined to succeed for them and for them to be proud of you. You don't really know what to expect in Sheffield but you are determined to go forward, live this new experience and enjoy liberty despite this timidity which always holds you back. This experience will allow you to progress, increase your linguistic skills, to be part of a new society. You will remember it all your life.

The day you collect your apartment keys you realise that you are definitely alone. Anxiety arises. You think: 'what if I have a sudden weakness? And what if I loose my way going back home? No one will be able to help me. In what spirits will be my parents?'

But these thoughts vanish when you hear somebody knocking at your door; it is your flatmates who invite you to have a drink and make the introductions. Once you realise that you are not really alone, you start preparing your life. You start by going out to find a supermarket. It is also at this moment that you feel the weight of being independent. In fact, the bags are heavy and you arrive at home completely exhausted. When you think that you will have to do this twice a week you find it a bit disheartening, but once at home you are happy to fill the fridge. All these little things you were not used to doing; shopping, cleaning your clothes, cooking. They remind you what your parents did for you, and you are proud to tell them on phone how you will get by. You are able to live by yourself and reassure them.


In life, one should not be afraid of going forward. You have to do the first step by yourself because even if you are shy like me (you have never left your kin and you are afraid of facing the harsh reality) you will realise that you will never be alone to face the world. Lots of other students will be in the same situation and your family will support you even if it is a decision you had yourself. Any other experience is as good as the one lived far from its parents because it's this one which will help us growing up in maturity.

Thibault Blancot