Issue #12
Leaving Stromness
The gneissic grey of the stone
buildings that huddle the
harbour like gathered relatives
is the grey of Scapa Flow,
the grey of the gunmetal
battle fleet scuppered below,
scuttled as von Reuter got
the wrong end of the stick;
the grey spread of the meanings
strewn between intent
and sense received,
the grey of the neolithic
matter, the unweathered
rock of the dwellings of Skara Brae,
the enigma of all endings.
And today
the grey exhaust of the
Kirkwall airport bus asserting
motion into this mild late summer
is the grey between the doubtless
black of our imminent
mortgaged mainland,
tomorrow's admin meetings
and the white of the cloud
swilling from the cliffs of Hoy
like froth off last night's lively IPA
the extravagant white of this
surprise of mist ghosting up
off Hoy Sound now, intoning
what, you're leaving now? We're
just getting started, stay
for one more drink, one more
for the road.
Pete Green