
Issue #1

Death and a Salesman

Sure, gas has its advantages, but it reeks.

Have you ever thought about the danger of leaks?

Basically, gas and injections  are just chemicals,

and we should cut down on chemicals,

you agree? Pollution has to be Public Enemy #1

- along with crime, lefties, the Theory of Evolution, and so on.

Electricity’s no better - anything but clean.

Like using electric shocks in loony bins - I mean!

It may seem modern but it’s too much hassle.

No, true sophistication is to use the best of the past.

Have you considered a method based on renewable resources,

cost-effective, with, worldwide, thousands of satisfied customers?

That’s why the penitentiary should use hanging, Warden.

The rope-makers of America say, ‘Go, Go, Go Hempen!’

Paul Hurt